Hi, thank you for coming to my site. I work with energy, its a part of life thats always fascinated me, for as long as my memory serves at any rate. Being an animist, since berth, I recall giving the vacuum cleaner a drink because it was so parched, having long talks with the ocean waves, and whispering secrets to friendly trees. Everything is alive. We, and out environments, are composts of energy. Different wavelengths forming matter, light, emotion, consciousness. All in one breath. The miracle of life isnt in the staus of indifiduals, but the fact that we are alive and we have awareness of our life. That is an incomputable achievement just to be here reading this now. So, I firstly want to say to you… Congratulations, well dun! You’ve made it. And then, I want to tell you to role up your sleeves, because if you are alive and conscious — which I shorly hope you are — then you have lots of work to do.
As we see presently the world is changing, and changing quickly, the question is what part are you playing. What direction is your heart pulling you in.
I began working and studying energy flow, because its always fascinated me, but also so rescue my own life. I hit a depression where all the things I couldn’t say to people, things I didn’t give my self permission to remember, formed an impenetrable wall in my life. Time kept his rhythm, the days passed, I got older, my friends got older, but my life had stopped moving. I was trapped, a kind of living death, waiting for a change that never came. Working with scared plants, developing my energy awareness and a good therapist, were the tools I needed to find the splintered part of me that I had lost. Walking my path to wholeness, finding my center.